第25回ヤマハポピュラーソングコンテストつま恋本選にて入賞(作詞作曲賞)受賞 その後 沢山のミュージシャンに楽曲提供中 (上地市長にも数曲歌って頂いております)
ジャンル フォーク系&ブルース系のシンガーソングライター
Shusaku was born in Yamagata Prefecture in 1955. He currently lives in Yokosuka City. After being selected for Yamaha's 25th Tsumagoi Finals, after a long blank, he started solo performance in 2005. In February 2020, he was in charge of J: COM's program "Traveling from the sky" along with his original songs. He mainly provides music to the mayor of Yokosuka City Katsuaki Kamiji, and the genius guitarist Naniwa no Tetsu, etc. With the help of arranger Toshio Okazawa, the album "Forerunner" was released. He started with folk music and aims for sounds like a gentle drive with a light sound familiar with blues and rock. In addition to his solo performance, he also plays as a trio unit, Retro Resistance.